Minggu, 04 November 2012

Stygnian Zinogre info

Stygian Zinogre is a Fanged Wyvern introduced in Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate. It is black, grey and red in coloring and mostly inhabits theTundra.

MH3G-Jinouga Subspecies.png

Its thunder-like attacks are different in coloring from the ordinary Zinogre; this crimson red/black lightning deals Dragon-Element damage. It is able to imbue its attacks with Dragon Element due to its absorption of multiple bugs that feed on Dragonfell berries.
These bugs are red colored orbs that float around Stygian Zinogre; they closely resemble the Great Thunderbug from previous games. When released, these orbs can fly directly at the Hunter and explode on contact, dealing significant damage.

Stygian Zinogre
Jinouga Sub.png
English Name:Stygian Zinogre
Nicknames:Dark Jinouga, Dark Jin, Dark Zin
Titles:Hellish Wolf Wyvern
Romaji:Jinouga Ashu
Japanese Name:ジンオウガ亜種
Japanese Title:獄狼竜
Korean Name:Unknown
Description and Information
Species:Fanged Wyvern
Weakest to:Thunder.png
Weakness Sign:Limping
Signature Move:Quadruple Thunderbug Summon
Monsters in Relation:Zinogre
Chronological Appearances
First US/EU Appearance:Mh3-ultimate.png (2013)
First JP Appearance:Logo3g copie.png (2011)
Latest Appearance:Mh3-ultimate.png (2013)

Ceadeus info

Ceadeus is an extremely large, whale-like Elder Dragon that first appeared in Monster Hunter 3. It resides in a series of underwater canyons and ruins deep below Moga Island, but is unable to travel onto land. Ceadeus is the end-game boss in the offline campaign.
Ceadeus' right horn is much thicker than its left and halfway envelops its right eye. It can be broken off and carved twice. Its neck resembles Lagiacrus' hood-like structure, but with a large fur coat underneath. This 'beard' can be broken and its hood and tail scarred. The quest can be taken multiple times, with Ceadeus unable to recover its health between quests. Eventually, once enough damage has been dealt, it will be killed.
Ceadeus is the first monster players fight able to inflict Dragonblight, a status effect that decreases affinity for a fixed amount of time before disappearing. Other monsters capable of inflicting this ailment includeDeviljho and Alatreon, and it is unique to monsters with the dragon element. Ceadeus has its own Sword and Shield, Great Sword, Long Sword, and Switch Axe.


Hapurubokka info

Hapurubokka is a desert Leviathan that first appears in Monster Hunter Portable 3rd. They are capable of burrowing into the sand and of disguising themselves as sand dunes to ambush hunters.


It shows superficial similarities to Gobul, and may be closely related. It can swim in the sand just like Piscine Wyverns. They are seen preying onRhenoplos, using their powerful jaws to crush their shells. They harbor a weak spot within their mouths that hunters can reach. Attacks demonstrated include sand spewing, charging and a leaping bite.
It has the ability to use a "Wind Tunnel" attack by means of a specialised organ that expels sand and debris swallowed along with its prey. The Hapurubokka can move while using this attack, in a manner similar to high-rank Gravios. The "Wind Tunnel" causes Waterblight. It can also expel a large sand cloud from the gills on the back of its head.
If Hapurubokka is staggered while it is submerged, it will be trapped similar to the effect of a sonic bomb on Diablos. During this state, you can pull it out of the ground, causing him to flip over like Gobul when it is fished out. After this, Hapurubokka will use a spinning attack on the hunter and break out of the ground. Whileenraged, the Hapurubokka will huff sand from its nose.
Hapuburokka will devour bombs placed along its movement trail. Once it swallows the said bomb, it will be stunned by the bomb when it explodes inside the monster. While staggered, it can be fished out to give more time to attack. Failure to pull it out from the ground after a certain peroid of time will allow it to spin, striking nearby hunters and doing considerable damage in the process.
To regain stamina, it kills a Rhenoplos and eats it. When it limps to run away from the hunter, it limps awkwardly but does not come up to surface of the sand. It will go to sleep by lying on its side and will recover its health like all monsters.

Jinouga info

Zinogre (ジンオウガ) is the flagship monster for Monster Hunter Portable 3rd. It is also known as the Thunder Wolf Wyvern (雷狼竜). Zinogre is classified as a Fanged Wyvern Species (牙竜種), a new class of monsters that are neither Pelagus or Flying Wyvern.


Zinogre has incredibly developed limbs, sharp fangs and claws. Its front limbs are extremely powerful and can kill prey in one brutal blow. Despite its hulking size, Zinogre is very agile and is able to perform many impressive maneuvers. The spikes on its body mostly lie straight, but when it has built up an electric charge they stick out vertically into the air.
If these electrical spikes are damaged enough, they will break doing considerable damage to the Zinogre.
Uniquely, Zinogre can 'charge itself up' by summoning Thunderbugs from the vicinity, and utilize their natural electrical abilities for its own purposes.
This charge can be lost if Zinogre takes enough damage; if this occurs Zinogre becomes much less aggressive as a result (at least until it can build up another charge). If the charge is lost, Zinogre will at some point attempt gather Thunderbugs in order to increase its attack power. During this charging state, Zinogre is left vulnerable to attacks, and Hunters have approximately 6-7 seconds to stagger Zinogre and cancel the process.
The charge has two levels; first, a weaker preliminary charge will form, and if Zinogre charges up again, a stronger charge will form. Each state of charge means Zinogre will deal a corresponding level of damage and become more agile, but beware; Zinogre enter traditional Rage mode even its final charge state. At this point its body will glow an electrical blue and its attacks increase even more in power. If hit by its electrical attacks, it will cause Thunderblight.
The states of charge can be determined aesthetically; after its first charge up, a numerous Thunderbugs fly around Zinogre's body, and after the second, all Zinogre's fur stands on end in spiked clumps.

Amatsu magatsuchi info

The final boss for Monster Hunter Portable 3rd. It spends most of the time airborne, and is capable of unleashing devastating beams of concentrated wind and water. It seems to possess the ability to manipulate storms and wind, as it is surrounded by a hurricane wherever it goes. It has been sighted above theMountain Peaks, attacking an airship manned by a Hunter and his comrades.
In battle, Amatsumatgatsuchi hovers above the ground. Its movements are reminiscent of fighting the Leviathans underwater in Monster Hunter Tri, and many of its attacks are similar to those used by them such as the charge, tail whip, and roar animations. It also has a wind barrier around its body, unlikeKushala Daora's wind barrier, it doesn't cause the hunter or attacks to be deflected. However, Ballista shots will be somewhat less effective as long as the barrier remains active. The barrier is also less stable than Daora's, as it temporarily disappears when Amatsumagatsuchi uses certain attacks.
When angered, Amatsumagatsuchi's eyes begin to glow, and when it's damaged enough, it will enter a second state of rage: its horns will shine in a golden glow and the whole body will be covered with purple markings as the storm around it intensifies (the second part of the theme will begin playing as well). This second state of rage means that Amatsumagatsuchi will become far more aggressive and use its most powerful attacks, but unlike White Fatalisand its armor mode, its head will take more damage instead of less (the defense of all of its other parts remains the same).
One of its most dangerous attacks is when it creates a small twister that begins to suck in the hunter, then hits them hard with a tornado-shrouded charge. Even if the first main twister is avoided, he will revolve around the second twister, encompassing a wider area with every revolution. If the hunter is close enough when hit, it will cause him/her to fly back into the twister. The second twister will remain on the field for several seconds before disappearing and can still damage the hunter.
When weakened enough, Amatsumagatsuchi uses its other most powerful move: it flies high into the air and uses three massive water beams. The attack consists of two parts; the beams themselves will strike the ground, and then the areas where the ground was struck explodes with water.