Weapons and Armors

Melee Weapons

ImageWeapon NameDescription
GSuser.pngGreat SwordGreat Swords, also known as GS are large, slow weapons that were first introduced in Monster Hunter. Originally they had three main attacks: the sideswipe, the upswing, and the downstrike. Hitting a monster with the middle of the blade, as opposed to the tip, or hilt, causes a damage bonus.
Greatswords have a charge attack, first introduced in Monster Hunter 2. There are three levels of charge, and the Level 3 charge is one of the most damaging single attacks in any game. Whilst charging an attack, Hunters are hard to knock over with low-damage monster attacks. Greatswords are also able to block monster attacks, although doing so causes them to lose sharpness.

In the third Generation games, Greatswords gained the ability to K.O monsters with a side-slap attack, and then follow up with a slightly more powerful curled charge attack.
Tachi.pngLong SwordLong Swords, often referred to simply as LS , are long, slender blades designed for elegant movements. They were first introduced in Monster Hunter 2 (there were Longsword-shaped weapons in the original Monster Hunter, but they were only cosmetically different to a normal Greatsword).Longsword users have a gauge that fills up with repeated attacks on monster (although it does drain quickly when not attacking). Once the gauge is full, all attacks become more powerful. The Spirit Combo attacks are also unlocked, and all attacks become less likely to bounce. However, the fragile nature of the blades means it is impossible to block with them.
In the third Generation games, completing a full Spirit Combo attack on a monster causes the gauge to change colour. It changes from white to yellow and finally to red; each colour causes attacks to become more powerful. However, when not attacking the colour will eventually revert to the previous one - only repeated Spirit Combo finishing attacks can keep the colour gauge full.
SnSUser.pngSword and ShieldThe Sword and Shield, also known as SnS, were first introduced in Monster Hunter. These weapons are small and accompanied by a shield that allows the Hunter to block most attacks. Although they deal relatively low damage in one strike, they are very quick, and it is possible to perform fairly long combos. In Monster Hunter 2 it became possible to use items while the Sword and Shield is drawn.
Many Sword and Shields are infused with Status or Elemental effects (Poison, Stun, Sleep or Fire, Water, etc...) that help to compensate for their low attack.

In third Generation games, they gained the ability to K.O monsters with a shield bash.
Ds.pngDual SwordDual Swords, also known as DS, are similiar to Sword and Shields but with a stronger focus on offense (at the expense of defense). Like Sword and Shields, individual Dual Sword attacks cause a small amount of damage, but they are fast and flow easily into combos. Dual Sword users can enter Demonization modeby pressing the R button. When Demonization mode is activated, Hunters are able to resist being blown over by monster's wings, attacks can be linked into a never-ending combo and the Demon Dance can be used, a powerful combo that cannot bounce. To balance these bonuses, stamina is gradually drained while in Demonization Mode. As with Sword and Shields, lots of Dual Swords are infused with Status or Elemental effects to increase their efficiency. As of Monster Hunter Freedom Unite, Dual Swords are able to wield dual Elements and Statuses in one weapon, such as Fire and Ice.
In third Generation games, Dual Swords have a gauge that can be filled by striking the monster whilst in Demonization mode. Once the gauge is filled, all attacks become more powerful, and Hunters can slide to evade instead of rolling.
HammerUser.pngHammerHammers are large, heavy weapons which are capable of dealing the vast amounts of damage in a single combo. They, along with the Hunting Horn, exclusively deal Impact-type damage. Their tremendous size only slightly hinders mobility, and Hunters are still able to run with them, unlike with the Great Sword andLance. These fierce weapons have several moves: a simple pound and a related combo, a "golf" swing, a revolving spin, and a charge-up Superpound that crushes anything it connects with. On the downside, Hammers cannot block and cannot cut monster's tails off. Since Monster Hunter 2, Hammers have had the ability toK.O opponents after hitting a target on the head multiple times.Hammers are only slightly changed in third Generation games; however, they now have more fluid combos and a new charged upper-cut move.
MHP3-Dengeki HH.pngHunting HornHunting Horns, also known as HH are similar to the Hammer in that they do Impact damage and able to K.O a monster when they connect with the head. Generally they are weaker than the Hammer, and do less damage per-hit, even on those attacks which the two appear to share (such as the Superpound). What makes the Hunting Horn different from the Hammer, however, is itsRecital Ability, which is triggered by pressing the "R" button. Each Horn has a different set of three colored notes. These notes can be combined in various ways to create various effects, such as Attack and Defense boosts, or to mimic items such as the Psychoserum.
In third Generation games, Hunting Horns deal more damage and don't have to enter a specific recital mode - each ordinary attack creates a colored note, and once a valid combination of notes is achieved, they can be activated by playing the Hunting Horn.
LanceUser.pngLanceLances are long weapons that can strike from a distance. The Lance is always accompanied by a large shield which grants a powerful defense against most attacks. Although slow and difficult to travel with, the weapon's damage output can be considerable. Originally, Lances had a rather limited set of moves; the upstab (which can be performed three times), the straight-forward piercing stab (likewise) and running charge attack. Lances are unique in that they deal either Cutting or Impact damage depending on the weakness of the hitzone they are striking.In third Generation games, Lances can now perform a 'Counter', by charging up and then releasing when struck by a monster attack. They can also K.O with a running shield bash.
Gunlance.pngGunlanceGunlances, also known as GL, are long, piercing weapons with a mechanism inside which can fire an explosive round. Unlike Bowguns, the Gunlance cannot fire over distances; the Shellingability can only be used from close range and reduces the weapon's sharpness with every use. Gunlances attack with a combination of simple stabs and explosive shots, which can link together in combos. Fortunately, Gunlances have an infinite amount of shells, although they have to be regularly reloaded. Gunlances are also able to charge up and unleash a strong explosive attack, known as Wyvern's Fire. This attack dramatically reduces Sharpness, however, and it takes a while to cool down before it can be used again.
In third Generation games, Gunlances can combo more effectively and have a new overhead swing attack, with the possibility of firing all loaded shells immediately after.
Slashaxe.pngSwitch Axe
Switch Axe, also known as SA, are weapons first introduced inMonster Hunter 3. There are two modes: Axe and Sword. It is possible to transform between the two near-instantly. While the weapon is drawn, the running speed in Axe-mode is similar to that of a Long Sword; however, Sword-mode's running speed is similar to the Great Sword. Attack wise, Sword-mode is much faster than the Great Sword, and can link together in quick combos. While in Sword mode, the weapon will not bounce off a monster's hide. Sword-mode can only be sustained for a limited time, indicated by a gauge. Once the gauge had been depleted, it can be reloaded. Sword-mode can also use a powerful 'Burst' attack, although this drains the gauge considerably. Sword-mode has built-in Phialsthat are automatically activated and cause certain effects, such asParalysis, or increased Attack power.
Axe-mode is rather simpler - the Axe is swung slower than in Sword mode, but deals greater damage in a single hit.

Ranged Weapons

ImageWeapon NameDescription
LightBowgunUser.pngLight BowgunLight Bowguns, also known simply as LBG, are ranged weapons. As the name suggests, they are light enough to allow Hunters to run with the weapon drawn, and they can be sheathed and unsheathed very quickly. However, Light Bowguns are generally low in attack power, although this is partially compensated by different Light Bowguns being able to Rapid-Fire a specific Ammo (Rapid-Fire shoots multiple rounds in quick succession, using only one shell of ammo). Light Bowguns are original weapons first seen in Monster Hunter.
MH3-MedBowGun.pngMedium BowgunMedium Bowguns, also known as MBG, are weapons only found in Monster Hunter 3. They are categorized as Medium by their weight, and are less mobile than Light Bowguns, but more powerful.
HeavyBowgunUser.pngHeavy BowgunHeavy Bowguns, also known as HBG, are ranged weapons that deal considerable damage, but due to their size and weight, do not allow Hunters to run when drawn. Heavy Bowguns are able to use a wide-range of Ammo. Since Monster Hunter 2, Hunters are able to equip Heavy Bowguns with a Shield, for blocking monster attacks. Equipping a Power Barrel will obviously increase attack power. Heavy Bowguns are original weapons first seen in Monster Hunter.
In some third Generation games, Heavy Bowguns are able to enterSiege-Mode; the Hunter crouches, immobile, with the Bowgun drawn, and can fire vast amounts of Shells without needing to reload.
Bow.pngBowThe Bow is a fast, unique ranged weapon. An infinite quiver of arrows is automatically provided, although each individual doesn't do a great deal of damage. Bows can fire three different kinds of Shot: Scatter, where the arrows spread horizontally outwards, Pierce, where one arrow travels in a straight line through a monster, hitting multiple times, and Rapid, where several arrows are fired and spread out vertically. Each Shot-type can be performed at different levels of power, depending on the individual Bow. To access the different Shots each Bow provides, the weapon must be charged. Bows can also use different Coatings to cause different effects (Paralysis, Sleep, increased Attack power) although each Bow can only use certain Coatings.
In third Generation games, Bows can fire a cluster of arrows near-vertically into the air to land on the monster; the cluster either covers a wide area, narrow area, or explodes, depending on the Bow. This attack can cause K.O if it strikes the monster's head.

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